- Living with Shadows
- This is a story of how the daughter of two German refugees and anti-Nazi activists, spent so much of her life inhabiting the shadows.This fascinating memoir reveals how Moos’s life in Britain was shaped by the cultural heritage of Germany and the political forces of the twentieth century. Born into a home of secrets and paranoia, she reflects on the pains and joys of being the child of refugees.
- more details…
- Anti-Nazi Germans
- [jointly with Steve Cushion]
- It is a commonly held myth that there was little resistance in Germany to the Nazis except for one or two well known instances. But, regularly ignored or forgotten is the level of opposition from Germans, and in particular from the German working class movement. This book examines that resistance in two parts, starting with the internal resistance. Here are forgotten stories of brave men and women who organised against the Nazis in German towns and villages, as well as in the concentration camps and the armed forces.
The second part chronicles how German refugees contributed to fighting the Nazis in France. From spreading anti-Nazi propaganda in the German Army and attempting to organise mutiny and desertion, through to extensive involvement in urban terrorism and the rural guerrilla struggle.
We examine at the actual activities of the rank and file anti-Nazi militants and in the process we shall be rescuing the memory of some heroic fighters who otherwise risk being lost from history.
More details… - Five books celebrating the lives and struggles of the left-wing Anti-Nazi Resistance
- More details from anti-nazi-resistance.net
- Beaten But Not Defeated
- Siegi Moos, an anti-Nazi and active member of the German Communist Party, escaped Germany in 1933 and, exiled in Britain, sought another route to the transformation of capitalism.
This biography charts Siegi’s life, starting in Germany when he witnessed the Bavarian uprisings of 1918/19 and moving to the later rise of the extreme right. We follow his progress in Berlin as a committed Communist and an active anti-Nazi in the well-organised Red Front, before much of the German Communist party (KPD) took the Nazis seriously, and his deep involvement in the Free Thinkers and in agit-prop theatre. - The Language of Silence
- The Language of Silence, set in London in the early 21st century, provides a remarkable exploration of the personal consequences of political events and resistance, and how these impact across four generations of one family. It is a novel of immense power, shocking in its portrayal of family life, which nevertheless inspires hope for the future.
- Breaking the Silence: Voices Of The British Children Of Refugees From Nazism
- An in-depth analysis of the memories and experiences of the British second generation of refugees from Nazism before the Holocaust. This oral history project investigates the impact of their parents’ trauma, dislocation and pattern of silence on ordinary members of this second generation in this unique geographical context.